
return type Boolean
syntax $.geo.contains( Object shape1 ( GeoJSON object ), Object shape2 ( GeoJSON object ) )
var contains = $.geo.contains(
    type: "Polygon", coordinates: [[
      [-71.06, 42.3425],
      [-71.06, 42.3475],
      [-71.04, 42.3475],
      [-71.04, 42.3425],
      [-71.06, 42.3425]
  { type: "Point", "coordinates": [ -71, 40 ] }

The contains method determines if the first basic GeoJSON geometry completely contains a second one. The basic shapes are Point, LineString and Polygon however Point and LineString geometries cannot contain other geometries so the only situation that has a possibility of returning true is when the first argument is a Polygon.

If either argument is not a basic GeoJSON geometry object, this function returns undefined.

This function is similar to Geometry.contains in JTS.