
type Number
$( selector ).geomap( { zoomMax: 17 } );
var zoomMax = $( selector ).geomap( "option", "zoomMax" );
$( selector ).geomap( "option", "zoomMax", 7 );

The zoomMax option gets or sets the maximum value of the zoom option for the map.

For tiled maps, this option overrides the tilingScheme option when it is smaller than what you've specified in the tilingScheme. For example, if the tilingScheme has a total of 18 levels but you set the zoomMax option to 7, the user will not be able to zoom in past level 7.

For non-tiled maps, i.e., tilingScheme is null and you're using all shingled services, this option determines the maximum zoom (and therefore minimum pixelSize) a user can achieve. Without setting this option for non-tiled maps, users will be able to infinitely zoom in to fully dynamic maps which is likely not what you want. Non-tiled maps require the bboxMax option to determine what zoom level 0 means. This option represents the other side of the zoom range.

This option also overrides programmatic changes. If zoomMax is 7 and you try to set the zoom option to 8 using JavaScript, it will be set to 7 instead.